
SpecVet – what the Specialist should know how to do in this program:

  • Medical records
    1. Add a place holder for rDVM letter, surgery report, diagnosis, discharge and test results
    2. Add a template to a place holder
    3. Complete a report such as rDVM letter, surgery report, diagnosis and discharge
    4. review medical records in the DMS
    5. Add a PDF to the DMS
    6. Fax/email a report to primary care veterinarian
  • Search for a patient
    1. By patient name
    2. By client name
    3. By phone number
  • Labs on SpecVet
    1. Look up lab results
    2. Be able to edit a lab result
      1. click edit button
      2. go into lab and add edit
    3. Find missing lab results in the orphan labs
    4. Relink a missing orphan lab into the patient record
      1. find the order number of the missing lab
      2. go to orphan lab
      3. find the missing lab test
      4. put the order number in the appropriate to return lab to patient file
    5. Checking invoices
      1. Ensure accuracy of invoices, avoid double charges, avoid missed charges
      2. Patients staying longer than 24 hours ned to have at minimum the following on the invoices
        1. daytime hospitalization
        2. night time hospitalization
        3. analgesia per day
        4. fluid therapy per day (based on body weight)
        5. Any additional treatment such as injections (usually add automatically by smart flow), diagnostics such as blood work (usually added automatically by specvet unless technician forgets to hit the performed button), diagnostics like imaging
      3. Keep clients informed regarding balance of invoice if it is going over the top end of the estimate.


  1. Be able to log into Smartflow from computer, laptop, phone
  2. Approval doctor initial of a treatment sheet
  3. Add or delete a treatment on a treatment flow sheet
  4. Add a new flowsheet for the next day

Checking charges

Labs and radiologist’s reports: all reports obtained from a lab or radiologist must be discussed with the owner, preferably on the day of receipt from the third party, and a time period of no longer than 2 days should lapse between receiving results and a phone call or text message with the client. For simple results, text messages to report results is fine. For more complex diagnoses (also those that are unexpected bad news diagnoses) a phone call to the owner should be made.

Expectations of specialist

Vacations: Any specialist must inform Dr. Lisa Degner at least 6 weeks prior to a vacation so that we can find a fill in locum doctor. Having multiple doctors on vacation at the same time is not ideal. Please notify Dr. Lisa of when you are planning to go on vacation and see if other doctors are also on vacation at the same time. Vacations are unpaid time off, as we base paychecks on gross production.

Shared Cases between internal medicine and surgery:

  1. The doctor receiving the financial compensation for the laboratory tests (cultures, histopathology and blood tests) is responsible to contact the client to inform them of the lab results and discuss the further treatment plan. The report also must be faxed to the primary care veterinarian with recommendations on further treatments.
  2. Cases shared by two services (typically internal med and surgery)
    1. Any patient that has had surgery or of significant diagnostic/therapeutic procedure by internal medicine or surgery services must receive a phone call or text message to obtain a progress report on the patient. If the patient is shared between internal medicine and surgery, the service dealing with the patient lastly to the time of discharge is responsible for the following:
    2. Making sure the that charges are complete and accurate, however, surgery service or IM service is responsible for items that they have completed on the patient. If errors are noticed or charges are not up to date, regardless each service should help the other so that the invoices are accurate.
    3. Flowsheets in Smartflow are to be reviewed by the doctor at after they are made and to be reviewed at least once daily to check on the patient’s progress.